Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Observations After Planting

It's been a couple weeks now since I got the trees in the ground. I've noticed a couple little things:

The older leaves on the mango have turned brown and dry along the edges as well as some of the new growth showing the little leaves curling lengthwise. Those new growth leaves that curled also drop off at the slightest touch. At this point, I'm not too concerned as the rest of the plant looks fine and the other new growth seems to be coming in fine. I'm chalking it up to transplant "shock".

The banana tree shows its leaves a little yellow along the edges. I was also scared that the leaves were folding up and drooping a bit during the day. A little research showed me that banana trees do that. I've also noticed a new shoot popping up the middle to the tune of about 3" a day!!

Yesterday and the day before gave us our first little bout of rain since May 5th and now, 10/19, the Santa Anas have started. All of the plants are staked well but the banana, with it's large leaves, doesn't do well in the wind. I've thought about putting yard chairs around it to cut down the wind but I've decided against it. Let's see how it does.

I read an article about bananas that they like to be grown together in a bunch with multiple trees as close together as 2 meters. With that in mind, I may get another to plant where my old apple tree was - if I can get the stump ripped out first.

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